Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Calibre/Library Update

Made some new "art" (ok, it's just a bar graph, nothing too special) in Inkscape to compare the number of books we own* versus those we've read or want to read.

Just wanted to share!

P.S.: I created the graph to lay horizontally, but so that it is easier to see and read on the blog, I rotated it.

*By own, I mean books we own that are currently in the library at our house. There are more at Matt's parents' house still. I had to have all mine with me and he graciously allowed mine to move in first, leaving not enough room for all of his.


  1. Matt needs to catch up! :) Ours would probably look similar!

    1. Aww, don't make Matt feel bad! He didn't have to take dozens of Literature courses for his degree, which helped add to my number a lot. A lot of those I would not have read otherwise. Plus, he's read other stuff that we don't own, so that's not counted here - so it is a little skewed. But I think you are sort of kidding, and yes, there are certainly a lot of books in the section I've read but he hasn't that I am excited for him to read someday. And there are some that he didn't read for high school (shame on Matt!) that he would be able to count otherwise. I'll have to keep encouraging him to read those - I think there's a lot he'd like to now.

    2. P.S.: Matt has a TON of books at his house that just won't fit here yet. That would probably get us to the 1000 mark, and raise his bar on the graph ... gonna have to add another bookcase to the project list!
